4804 Rowan Road, New Port Richey, FL 34653

Earaches in Babies and Toddlers

Find a solution for your child’s earaches in New Port Richey, FL, by consulting Dr. Haravu Lokesh, Dr. Rupal Desai, and Dr. Monica Porcelli of A to Z Pediatrics.

Why Is Your Child Suffering from Earaches?

Taking immediate action is always warranted whenever your baby or toddler has a health issue. No matter how seemingly innocuous the condition is, you must take it seriously and address it as soon as possible. That should be the case, even if the condition is an earache.

Earaches are fairly standard for kids. You may often deal with those health issues because they can emerge for several reasons. For instance, earaches could be related to children putting small objects in their ears. Ear wax lodged deep in your child’s ear could also explain their discomfort. Children may also experience ear pain because they are teething. The teeth pushing through your child’s gums can cause inflammation that affects their ears. If your child experiences ear pain when they are around six months old, take that as a sign they are getting their baby teeth.

You should also be wary of earaches because they can be symptomatic of ear infections. Children have weaker immune systems, so they are more susceptible to ear infections after developing colds. If your child is experiencing earaches after swimming or bathing, they may also have the infection known as swimmer’s ear.

While the greater concern with earaches is the discomfort they cause, they must still be immediately addressed because they can be indicators of significant health issues. Address your child’s earaches properly in New Port Richey, FL, by working with Dr. Lokesh, Dr. Desai, and Dr. Porcelli of A to Z Pediatrics.

How Are Earaches in Children Treated?

You should take your child to the doctor if they are experiencing earaches. A doctor’s visit is critical in that situation because your priority is identifying the cause of their symptoms. They can determine if your child’s earaches are related to an illness or an injury. Once the pediatrician has determined the cause of your child’s earaches, they can proceed with treatment. While some causes of earaches may disappear without treatment, others require a more proactive approach. Potential treatment methods for earaches and ear infections include ear drops and pain relievers. Pediatricians may also prescribe antibiotics for certain ear infections.

Moving forward, you can help prevent earaches and ear infections by having your child wear earplugs while swimming. You should also avoid using cotton swabs to clean your child’s ears because they can increase the chances of infection.

Schedule treatment for your child’s earaches in New Port Richey, FL, by calling (727) 375-5242 and speaking to Dr. Lokesh, Dr. Desai, and Dr. Porcelli of A to Z Pediatrics.

Find a solution for your child’s earaches in New Port Richey, FL, by consulting Dr. Haravu Lokesh, Dr. Rupal Desai, and Dr. Monica Porcelli of A to Z Pediatrics.

Why Is Your Child Suffering from Earaches?

Taking immediate action is always warranted whenever your baby or toddler has a health issue. No matter how seemingly innocuous the condition is, you must take it seriously and address it as soon as possible. That should be the case, even if the condition is an earache.

Earaches are fairly standard for kids. You may often deal with those health issues because they can emerge for several reasons. For instance, earaches could be related to children putting small objects in their ears. Ear wax lodged deep in your child’s ear could also explain their discomfort. Children may also experience ear pain because they are teething. The teeth pushing through your child’s gums can cause inflammation that affects their ears. If your child experiences ear pain when they are around six months old, take that as a sign they are getting their baby teeth.

You should also be wary of earaches because they can be symptomatic of ear infections. Children have weaker immune systems, so they are more susceptible to ear infections after developing colds. If your child is experiencing earaches after swimming or bathing, they may also have the infection known as swimmer’s ear.

While the greater concern with earaches is the discomfort they cause, they must still be immediately addressed because they can be indicators of significant health issues. Address your child’s earaches properly in New Port Richey, FL, by working with Dr. Lokesh, Dr. Desai, and Dr. Porcelli of A to Z Pediatrics.

How Are Earaches in Children Treated?

You should take your child to the doctor if they are experiencing earaches. A doctor’s visit is critical in that situation because your priority is identifying the cause of their symptoms. They can determine if your child’s earaches are related to an illness or an injury. Once the pediatrician has determined the cause of your child’s earaches, they can proceed with treatment. While some causes of earaches may disappear without treatment, others require a more proactive approach. Potential treatment methods for earaches and ear infections include ear drops and pain relievers. Pediatricians may also prescribe antibiotics for certain ear infections.

Moving forward, you can help prevent earaches and ear infections by having your child wear earplugs while swimming. You should also avoid using cotton swabs to clean your child’s ears because they can increase the chances of infection.

Schedule treatment for your child’s earaches in New Port Richey, FL, by calling (727) 375-5242 and speaking to Dr. Lokesh, Dr. Desai, and Dr. Porcelli of A to Z Pediatrics.

4804 Rowan Rd, New Port Richey, FL 34653


4804 Rowan Rd,
New Port Richey, FL 34653


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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